Lesson 1: Mind your language. It is a cruel world.
For 21 long years, I have followed and supported the Indian cricket team. As a diehard fan, I have had my fair share of heartbreaks. But it was all worth the wait. An overseas victory against England in our 60th year of Independence, it doesn't get better than this. Yahoo!
Lesson 2: There is a God.
My first trek of the season finally happened last Saturday (Duke's nose). And it had all the ingredients of the perfect monsoon trek - great company, awesome waterfalls, a few lakes, rain, mist and an amazing view from the top. There was also the odd jitter to spice things up. A couple of territorial bulls lost it when they saw this nice happy bunch trespassing into their private pond. It was the fastest I have run in a long long time. Anyway, all's end that ends well. Jai Shivaji!
Lesson 3: These matadors are crazy (to be said with a menhir in one hand, and the other pointing towards one's temple).